I think the most important question to answer about me as it pertains to this blog is why I started blogging in the first place. Well, simply put, I believe we all have so many things to share and give, and this is one of my gifts to this world, one of the ways I chose to share my story. At one point I thought I wanted to be a professional motivational speaker, BUT that flame was extinguished pretty quickly when I realized that was not a skill set I had (though it doesn't mean it won't come later on!). So here I am writing about my life. I hope, in some way, my experiences, mistakes, triumphs, and challenges will help lift you up to be a better you (because who could be youer than you?!?! And what better person to be?!!?).
I also love God, horses, moose (yah, strange I know), coffee, minions, the color orange, my German Shepherd mix Kaden (RIP, buddy!), being outdoors, rolling with the windows down and music up, and spending time with people.
If you'd like to know more, read the blog...hint, hint...
Enjoy, people! Love, peace, and hope to you <3