Thursday, June 19, 2014

Twinsterly Love

Recently my sister came to visit me.  She is AWESOME!  We, as do most siblings, get the question as to who is older.  My answer: I am…by 21 minutes.  Her answer: we’re twins. Generally these answers are stated at the same time, then we both let our audience know that we’re twins!  What comes next is often the question as to whether or not we have a mystical, freaky twin connection.  And that ALWAYS makes me laugh! I mean, where did that even come from? 

Okay, okay…so maybe there is some science to it.  Watch here.  So I bet you’re wondering what supernatural twinster powers we have, right?  We’ve been super close since birth and it would be super painful to be too far apart…not that we’re conjoined or anything like that, but ya get what I mean!  In fact when we were 18 months old, I was diagnosed with cancer and had Ash and I not been twins I probably wouldn’t be here. While Ashley was cruising around the house I was barely standing, screaming, and holding on to walls.  My mom knew something was not right because she had my sister to compare me to.  Fortunately with my family’s help I survived the awful battle. My Mom has shared stories with me and Ash about how she lost weight while we were apart from each other…like she knew something wasn’t right. 

Throughout school we were separated and had different teachers most of the time.  Back then (and I suppose even now) they thought that was the best thing to do so twins would develop their own friends.  So we wouldn’t be like Alex and Nicky in Full House, ya know? Anyone remember that one episode where their parents tried to help them meet new friends and all they wanted to do was play with each other?  I mean why not?  You’re already best friends anyhow! If I remember correctly the parents decided not to push it and ultimately things turned out okay.  Just like Ash and I may have been like two peas in a pod (my Mom and Dad literally made this into a Halloween costume for the two of us one year…haha) and maintained a super close relationship, BUT we’ve developed into two separate, beautiful young women with our own lives. 

Okay so aside from best friends for life, Ash and I have definitely had our share of “that’s cause were twins” moments too. Lets take for instance this past time she was here: I happened to purchase the same hair straightener that she had brought to hand down to me…haha…opps.  In addition, we both happened to know about this particular up and coming author that she was going to recommend to me.  I’d actually been to a conference early this year when the woman, Brene Brown (Daring Greatly is her book I highly recommend it), was a featured speaker.  THEN there was the time when I saw Ashley in March and she bought me two gifts from Target.  What she didn’t know is that I had actually been to Target two weeks before and had bought those same two items (on a whim, mind you)…and just those same two items (a minion shirt from Despicable Me 2 and the Goonies movie).  Unreal, right?  Anyone want a free copy of one of my favorite movies?

So anyhow, I guess those situations are pretty common for us.  We’ve also called each other at the same times, exhibited similar mannerisms (our email addresses have the same format though we created them independently), won the only two spots for one award independently without the committee knowing that we were even related…the list goes on.  So freaky twin thing? Well, maybe just a little!

Ashley is also my #1 fan.  Not the cheesy kind, though.  The always there at the end of the finish line even if you finish dead last, it’s pouring outside, and you probably weren’t ready to run the race in the first place.  She has never, ever, ever given up on me.  She reminds me that I can do it.  She might think I am the strong one, but truth is she’s the one that has always held me up.  I thank God for her every single day. 

So, let us not forget about those people that are always our #1 fans! After all, they believe in us when we forget how to believe in ourselves.  She and I recently went to see A Fault In Our Stars and I heard this song that reminds me of our #1s. #countyourblessings

To my Mom and Morgz: love you to the moon and back!